
Who we serve

Female Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur who is interested in joining a mastermind group, you will be placed with 12 other like-minded, ambitious, supportive women growing businesses that are at a similar place in their journey as you. You will meet monthly and be taken through a facilitated conversation on all aspects of growing your business, learning from each other and special guest experts along the way.

Female Professionals in Business

If you are a professional in business, you will meet with other business leaders monthly, you will have an opportunity to share and ask/give, and a facilitated conversation will be hosted around different topics of growing and thriving in your career. You will hear from others in the group, and external experts who have knowledge to share, to ensure you are maximizing your potential in the workplace and standing out in your full power.


Meet Erin

Hi! I am Erin Sisko!  I am so glad you are here, thank you for stopping by.

I started The Elleiance Network October 2019 with a goal to help foster business connections for like-minded women entrepreneurs. I know a few things about being a women in business and being a support person for entrepreneurs through my 10 years in corporate banking. I have spoken to hundreds of entrepreneurs through my career, providing financial assistance and advice to help them grow their businesses. On the personal side, I also worked tirelessly trying to build my own network of like-minded, ambitious leaders that I could support and be supported by and that understood my ambition . This was not easy.  I fumbled my way through networking, never really achieving the outcome I desired.  It never felt right.

That is until now.  Although my goal started to help women entrepreneurs, it slowly expanded into one also encompassing female professionals.  I now see that what I created with The Elleiance Network is what I always wished for as I was building my own career.  I invite you to come see for yourself, we have saved you a seat!

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The need to CONNECT is the most powerful force in the universe.

Become a Member.

Welcome to Canada's Business Mastermind exclusively designed for Canada's visionary women.  If you are an ambitious woman in business looking for a seat at a table with other like-minded women who understand where you are now and where you are going  and  will support and inspire you to dream bigger and acquire more wealth, power and influence, welcome, we saved you a seat.

We are working hard behind the scenes to hand-pick and curate the exact right women you need to meet and be in a mastermind group with.  As soon as your table is ready, you will receive an invite to your email.  

While you are waiting for your table to be ready, we invite you to explore and take advantage of all the other incredible platforms, programs and services offered exclusively to Elleiance members.  

  • Private online community

  • All workshops and networking events

  • Inclusion in the online member directory

  • Opportunity to be featured as the member spotlight in The Elleiance Network newsletter and across social channels

  • Discounts on all 1:1 programs with Erin

Business Mastermind Thunder Bay
Every month
Every year
The Networker Canada
Every month
Every year

Not ready to join your own exclusive Business Mastermind Group but still want to grow your network with Canadian powerhouse women entrepreneurs? No problem! Welcome to The Networker, we are so happy to meet and do business with you.

Business Mastermind Canada
Every month
Every year

Have a question? Check out our FAQs page.


You are officially invited to Lunch With Elleiance!

Get out from behind your laptop and be seen in your community! Join other Elleiance members at a local restaurant for great food and conversation.  Build meaningful connections with the women who just might change your business or career path forever.  

Support a local business and meet the other women in The Elleiance Network who are unapologetically ambitious, just like you. One connection is all it takes! 

One local restaurant will be chosen each month to host the members of Elleiance for lunch. The first 8 women to RSVP their attendance are in! This is a member-only event. The lunch has no agenda, and is informal networking and conversation. The purpose of the lunch is to encourage busy working women to leave their home offices and to be seen out in the community. Being seen, in and of itself, creates and generates impactful opportunities that naturally happen by way of intentional luck. 

Become a Member to Attend the Lunches!

*signing up is free, lunch is paid by the member.