

Hi! My name is Erin Sisko

I am so glad you are here, thank you for stopping by.

I started The Elleiance Network in October 2019, with the goal of helping foster business connections for like-minded women entrepreneurs. I know a few things about being a woman in business and being a support person for entrepreneurs through my 10 years in corporate banking. I have spoken to hundreds of entrepreneurs throughout my career, providing financial assistance and advice to help them grow their businesses. On the personal side, I also worked tirelessly trying to build my own network of like-minded, ambitious leaders that I could support and be supported by and who understood my ambition. This was not easy.  I fumbled my way through networking, never really achieving the outcome I desired.  It never felt right.

That is until now.  I now see that what I created with The Elleiance Network is what I always wished for as I was building my own career.  I invite you to come see for yourself, we have saved you a seat!

@elle.iance on Instagram