Frequently Asked Questions

How is Elleiance different?

The Elleiance Network is not just anther network that you join where you walk into the room or join the virtual event and are left to magically find the few individuals who you are supposed to meet for the future of your business. We’ve all tried that, it doesn’t work, it wastes time and it sucks your energy.

So instead, we take all the work out of networking and bring the valuable connections right to you in a small curated group setting and then facilitate inspiring and information filled conversation on business that quickly allows you to build meaningful and profitable relationships.

Sound good? It’s better than good!

Who should join Elleiance?

You should join Elleiance if you are a women entrepreneur or women professional who is ambitious and passionate about growing personally and professionally and raising every other women along the way.

What level do I have to be at in my business to join?

There is no minimum or maximum criteria for size of business or corporate tenure or position. We have a spot saved regardless of if you are pre-launch or just surpassed $100M in revenue. There are groups of like-minded women that will exceed your expectations for all stages and phases of business. All are welcome!

Do you focus on certain industries?

No we don't, a growth mindset is the only membership criteria.