Good, Bad—Who’s to Say? A Taoist Lesson in Business and Life

Have you ever heard the Taoist parable about the farmer whose horse runs away?

It goes like this: The villagers express their sorrow, but the farmer simply says, "Good, bad, who’s to say?" Days later, the horse returns, bringing two more horses with him. The villagers congratulate the farmer, but he responds the same way, "Good, bad, who’s to say?" Later, the farmer’s son tries to ride one of the new horses but is thrown off and breaks his leg. The villagers are sad for the farmer again, but he remains steady in his response: "Good, bad, who’s to say?" Finally, war breaks out, and the farmer’s son is spared from battle due to his injury, while the other young men from the village die in battle.

The lesson? It’s impossible to know whether an event is truly good or bad in the moment. Often, what seems like a disaster can turn into an unexpected blessing—and vice versa.

How This Relates to Business

As entrepreneurs, we constantly face setbacks, challenges, and crises. We may lose clients, encounter funding issues, or struggle with difficult decisions. In the moment, these events can feel devastating, but when you zoom out, they often end up being the catalysts for growth, resilience, and new opportunities.

The "Good, Bad, Who's to Say?" Mindset
In business, adopting the mindset of "Good, bad, who's to say?" can help you remain grounded during difficult times. Just because a challenge feels overwhelming doesn’t mean it will hinder your success. In fact, it could be the very thing that propels you to your next breakthrough.

Personal Story: Turning Challenges into Growth

I’ve faced numerous setbacks in my entrepreneurial journey, some of which felt impossible to overcome at the time. But every hardship has made me braver, more willing to trust my intuition, and more fearless in the face of uncertainty.

The truth is, everything that I once thought would break me ended up shaping me. And if you take a moment to reflect, I’m sure you can think of times in your life when an unexpected twist ended up being exactly what you needed.

Your "Good, Bad, Who’s to Say?" Moment

What’s a moment in your life where something seemingly bad turned out to be good? How did it shape you? I’d love to hear your story of a "Good, bad, who’s to say?" moment.


Member Spotlight | Erin Johnston, CEO and Founder of TBXI


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